"Katia" has such hope. A mom with many children, she recently visited the center and shared with me her joy that she has been able to settle down; she and her children have been in the same home for a year with no plans to move. And just as she and her family are finally finding stability, her sister suddenly passed away as the result of a cancer that had not been diagnosed in time. And yes - she had young children, and "Katia" will be helping to provide for them, too. She is not losing hope, for her hope is in the Lord and His provision. He has brought her family through tough times before; He will now, too.
Families like Katia's depend upon the breakfasts and lunches that are provided at their children's schools to supplement their food resources in order for the children to have adequate nutrition. In the summer, those meals are not available. The result - more need for food at food pantries such as Forest Park Ministry Center. This July, even though we were closed for the Independence Day holiday, the guest traffic and resulting need for food has been the largest yet this year. And WE NEED FOOD. If you and your family could spare just a few cans of food - maybe just add a few cans of veggies or soup, or some peanut butter to your grocery list this week - Forest Park Ministry Center could use your help! We are open on Mondays and on Wednesdays, and those are days that you can see the food pantry in action when you drop by to deliver your donation. We will be happy to receive food and clothing donations on other days as well - you will want to call 269-5726 to make a drop off appointment.
Thank you for prayerfully considering assistance in this time of need.
Joyfully serving,
Donna McCullough, Director
Forest Park Ministry Center
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