Food Pantry Update

Celebrating the one year anniversary of our new client choice pantry called Harvest: A Galley of Grace

Moving Forward in Ministry in 2011

"Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe" (Hebrews 12:28).

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sharing Hope In the Midst of Despair

       Praise the Lord for ministries in our city who have common goals - enlarging Christ's kingdom!  This month, we learned that a young woman who accepted Christ when His love and plan of salvation was shared with her at the center proclaimed it publicly and was baptized at Church at the Barrel, the church started in West Montgomery by the McFarlands and UrbanTREC Ministry.  God is so good!
       161 families served, for a total of 376 family members.  That's a whole lot of people coming through the doors at the little blue house.  A lot of food distributed - nearly 2 tons.  But most of all - a lot of opportunities to share the love and hope that comes only from a relationship with Jesus Christ. 
       August was one of the busiest months this year.  As families prepared to send their children back to school, they were inundated with expenses - school supplies, uniforms, high utility bills from an oppressively hot summer - and more need for food, since local schools started later in August than usual, meaning those free or reduced healthy lunches available at school were NOT available, meaning that the family food budget was taxed even more.  Thanks to all of the churches and friends who donated food, school supplies, finances for assistance, clothes, and so much more!  At a time when our food supply has been as low as ever, many stepped up to the plate and helped with an extra gift.  We enter the fall months with people returning to
their work and school routines, and pray with confidence, knowing that God will continue to provide through His people!
       "Callie" called the center in distress recently.  As we spoke on the phone, she expressed her despair and asked if she could just come in to the center to talk.  When she came in, she proceeded to describe what was going on in her life - events that, each one desperate in its own right, but accumulated, would drive many people to the brink of desperation and perhaps even suicide.  Gratefully, we were able to refer her to a licensed counselor.  In addition, she was assisted with food, eventually was helped with utility assistance, and encouraged to put together a resume to give to a prospective employer.  Likewise, "Lem" was in a desperate situation, had been unemployed for nearly a year.  Timely assistance, encouraging words, prayerful support, and Lem saw things in a whole new light.  Today, he is employed, catching up, and praising God for bringing him through the storm.
       Each one of these, and so many more, are examples of how sharing Christ's hope and love help people in crisis to reframe their experience.  Hopelessness becomes hope, helplessness becomes strength, because "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  Please pray for the guests who visit Forest Park Ministry Center, that in the midst of life's storms, they will experience, above all, the presence of Almighty God at work in their lives.  Pray for the new moms who are beginning the New Moms' class this month on Thursday afternoons, and pray for the moms who graduated from the previous class as they and other mentoring women study the Bible together during M&M's Bible Cafe each Tuesday. Pray too, for the Mixtec families in our neighborhood and throughout our city, as we continue to reach out to them in the midst of a time of uncertainty and fear for many of them.  As always, we thank you for your faithful support and pray God's blessings on your journey with Him.

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Ways You Can Partner with Forest Park Ministry Center

* Have a food drive in your church
(get list from Donna)There is a dire shortage!
* Hold a Baby Shower for new moms who come to

the center; we need supplies for 12 layettes by October!
* Be a prayer partner and pray for our guests needs
* Need larger sized mens and womens clothing

must be in very good condition
*Hold a Paper supplies shower for the center

*Need a data entry volunteer once a week
*Need a small desk for the receptionist in the waiting area