Food Pantry Update

Celebrating the one year anniversary of our new client choice pantry called Harvest: A Galley of Grace

Moving Forward in Ministry in 2011

"Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe" (Hebrews 12:28).

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Seasons of Ministry

         As fall is upon us and I feel the bright fall sun and the cool air, I can't help but feel God's goodness in how he sustains us through seasons of life.  In our case at the ministry center, it is as if there are also seasons of ministry.  Times when one area blossoms and grows, needing nurture and care, then as that ministry is in place, another area requires more attention and nurture.  We continue to ask for your prayerful support as our ministry to young moms and young families in the neighborhood deepens, relationships are forming, and mentoring is happening.  Pray for open hearts and minds for all involved.
        For over a year, "Juanita" has been coming with her children to the center on Thursday mornings to learn English.  Oddly, one of the first things she learned was to identify and say names of fast foods, and before too long, she had a job at one of the fast food restaurants!  This quiet, unassuming, precious mom had a challenge, though.  Because she did not know English and was furthermore illiterate even in her own native tongue, she could not prepare her preschooler for Kindergarten.  "Oliver" was 5, and still did not know his alphabet, sounds, or anything basic that is needed for today's kindergarteners.  So while Carol was teaching his mom and the other ladies on Thursdays, Sherry began working intensively with him, and then with his younger siblings to prep him for school.  At first, Oliver resisted.  He did not want to go to school.  But they persevered, and when school began in August, Oliver was ready.  On the first day of school, he walked into his classroom, found his cubby already labeled with his name, then sat at his own space at the table to commence working.  Recently, he shared his progress report with me - all E'S (EXCELLENT)! Thanks to volunteer missionaries who took an interest in this one boy's life.
        Today, my heart is a little heavy.  Oliver and his family have left Montgomery, and he, his young siblings, and their mom are traveling alone all the way to Mexico to join his dad who lives there.  Personally, I am concerned for safety in their travel, and for the extreme adjustments that these children will need to make.  Please pray for such families in our city who are leaving and do not really know what awaits them.
         September has been another busy month - at least 357 family members represented by 131 guests, 1.5 tons of food distributed, the M&M's Bible Cafe is meeting on Tuesdays, and the new MOMs class is meeting on Thursday afternoons.  We appreciate your prayers and your faithful support!  God bless your journey.
In Him,
Donna McCullough, Director
Forest Park Ministry Center

Ways You Can Partner with Forest Park Ministry Center

* Have a food drive in your church
(get list from Donna)There is a dire shortage!
* Hold a Baby Shower for new moms who come to

the center; we need supplies for 12 layettes by October!
* Be a prayer partner and pray for our guests needs
* Need larger sized mens and womens clothing

must be in very good condition
*Hold a Paper supplies shower for the center

*Need a data entry volunteer once a week
*Need a small desk for the receptionist in the waiting area